Wave CXM Reward Schemes

Design & grow comprehensive Reward Schemes

A powerful engine with hundreds of features to kick-start and continuously evolve your loyalty strategy.
Woman running indicating consistency wins rewards
Multiple Reward Scheme Types

Whether rewards are complementary to your business or loyalty is your business

Choose from point-based, cashback or stamp-based schemes. Combine points with cashback to differentiate and balance customer comprehension complexity with flexibility.
give money icon

Points Schemes

Unlock the full reward versatility
cash icon

Cashback Schemes

Showcase your value easier,
combine with points for balance
stamp card

Stamps Schemes

Make it simple for your customers and your business
Lightning icon

Instant Schemes

Skip the collection process to provide instant gratification

Market-leading Collection precision


  • Fixed Collection
    Get 1.000 points for this TV
  • Spend-based Collection
    For every € you spend you earn points
  • Virtual points Collection
    Run non-monetary gamification schemes


  • Fixed Collection
    Get 1$ credit for your purchase
  • Spend-based Collection
    Get 10% credit for your purchase

Fine-tune with the most options available

  • Use purchase details, from the value down to the smallest product attribute or ingredient.
  • Encourage customers to engage with all your partners and channels & reward your relationship.
  • Target offers by time, weekday, frequency and your own custom events.
Learn more about the power of our conditions →

Easy to implement,
easy to feed

Connect our straight-forward RESTful API to your POS network & core systems.
Use our SDKs in your web and mobile touch-points to gather events automatically.
Need help to migrate, we will help you.
Just ask →

Always keep your customers up-to-date!

  • Don't let your customers miss opportunities for collecting points and boost their sense of winning.
  • Inform them for new collection options that fit their segments and tastes.
  • Notify your customers when points are awarded to them and boost that instant gratification feeling.

Unlimited Redemption options

Use a single option or mix it up

Fixed Value Discount
Get $5 off your purchase
Percent discount
Get 20% of your purchase for 1.000 points
Free product icon
Free product
Get a free coffee for 100 points
Free service icon
Free service
Free delivery, upgrade ticket class for 100 points
Donate to charity icon
Donate to charity
Donate your $5 cashback

Define every reward to perfection

  • Give rewards with redemptions or without, to provide instant gratification.
  • Create Variable redemption rates, to drive purchase amounts up and scheme costs down.
  • Incentivize behavior by decreasing the redemption rate based on purchase items, partner, time and many more.
Learn more about the power of our conditions →

Multiple Redemption Channels

  • Connect our API to your POS and leverage existing infrastructure.
  • Use our SDKs to integrate into your web and mobile checkouts.
  • Simple Web redemption interface for own or affiliate personnel use.
  • Have affiliates redeem via SMS to extend your affiliate network to virtually any type of merchant.

Always keep your customers up-to-date!

  • Don't let your customers miss opportunities to enjoy their earned benefits and boost their sense of winning
  • Inform them for new redemption options that fit their segments and tastes.
  • Notify your customers how much money they saved when they redeem points, to boost that instant gratification feeling.

Reward Scheme Rule Conditions

Discover how our fine-grained conditions can help you tailor your schemes to fulfill your loyalty strategy.
Mobile phone showcasing points redemption to get discount
Purchase Items

Set different collection rules for specific item categories, specific items or even specific product attributes or a combination of the above.
→ Get double the points for purchasing orange clothing on Halloween


Correspondingly, set different redemption rules for specific item categories, specific items or even specific product attributes or a combination of the above.
Get double the discount for every point burned, by including a beverage.

Purchase Amount

Set specific amount zones that unlock different collection rates, to increase transaction values.
→ Spend more than $10 to get double the points per $.


Correspondingly, set specific redemption amount zones that unlock different discounts, to increase transaction values & reduce scheme cost.→ → Get $1 discount for every $3 spent (up to 33%, instead of flat 33%).

Partners Details

Reward exploration of partners by rewarding first time purchase more, or create affiliate tiers with different collection amounts per tier.
→ Get double the cash savings for your first haircut at Tina's.


Correspondingly, reward exploration of affiliates by instantly rewarding or increasing the redemption rate for first time purchases, or create affiliate tiers with different collection amounts per tier.
→ Get double 50% off your first haircut at Tina's.

Date & Time

Drive engagement within specific timeframes by focusing rules on specific date periods, specific hours within the day or specific Weekdays.
→ Coca-cola Thursdays: Get 200pts for each drink every Thursday


Correspondingly, drive redemptions within specific timeframes by focusing rules on specific date periods, specific hours within the day or specific Weekdays.
→ Happy Hour: Get a free pizza for only 100pts between 11:00-12:00.

Number of Purchases

Drive more Purchases within any time period by offering more points to reach a preset goal, purchase at least once a month or simply reward the first purchase of your customers ever.
→ New customers receive double the points for their first purchase.


Correspondingly, drive more Purchases within any time period by offering improving the redemption rate or provide instant rewards to reach a preset goal, purchase at least once a month or simply reward the first purchase of your customers ever.
→ Get 50% discount in your second purchase each month.

Channel Engagement

Drive how often the customer interacts with any of your touchpoints. Give extra points for user reviews, interaction with specific area or any custom event your touchpoint generates.
→ Give 100pts for visiting a store once a month.


Correspondingly, drive how often the customer interacts with any of your touchpoints. Give direct rewards or increased redemption rates for user reviews, interaction with specific area or any custom event your touchpoint generates.
→ Login on our new app and get the delivery service for free.

Account Wide Variables

Celebrate customer registrations, birthdays, namedays and your relationship anniversary. Reward any product, service, subscription or contract anniversary to incentivize long term usage of your offerings.
→ Get 1.000pts for every month your term deposit is active


Provide instant gratification on customer registrations, birthdays, namedays and your relationship anniversary. Reward any product, service, subscription or contract anniversary to incentivize long term usage of your offerings.
→ Your points count for double the dollars on your birthday.

Custom Conditions

Easily create your own custom collection conditions with data and events from any of your systems, using our straightforward API.


Correspondingly, you can also create custom redemption conditions with data and events from your systems, using our API.

Mobile phone with Level Up ModalModal making new Tiers Rules

Loyalty Tiers

Provide customers with exclusive rewards and a sense of recognition. You can create tiers using the rules below or combinations of them:
  • By spend total
    i.e. VIP members that spend more than $1.000 per year
  • By collection total
    i.e. VIP members that collected more than 1.000pts per year
  • By purchase behavior
    i.e. VIP member that makes a purchase every month, for 6 consecutive months
  • By Purchasing an item or a contract
    i.e. VIP member that purchased a gold card
  • By custom segment
    i.e. Use your own segmentation to drive tiers.

Focus on critical segments

Automate your operations with our integrated segmentation tools, powered by Machine Learning.
Benefits of the segmentation tool
20+ dimensions to segment
Benefits of the segmentation tool
Automated churn detection
Benefits of the segmentation tool
Add custom dimensions for your data

Ride the wave by connecting your Reward Schemes

Link your Reward Schemes to other Wave CXM Solutions to target customer segments, reward mini-game winners with points, burn points to participate in an exclusive giveaway and many more.

Rewards are even better with Coupons

  • Convert points to Coupons.
    Allow burned points to unlock any type of Coupon for a partner's, or your own, products.
  • Engage users with Rewards campaigns.
    Use special coupons that multiply reward points collection and more.
People celebrating with confetti
Merge instant gratification with rewarding

Reward Schemes are even better with Contests

  • Points as Prizes.
    Use points or cash-backs to reward Contests winners.
  • Points as a participation entry.
    Burn points with a transaction to enter a participation for an exclusive Contest.
woman excited with phone
Customers win, you win customers

Rewards are even better with Gamification

  • Points as prizes.
    Use points or cash-backs to reward mini-games winners.
  • Gamification is powered by Reward Schemes.
    Virtual points are used for unlocking special levels and badges.
excited boy with toy car
Bring joy & a sense of achievement

Reward schemes are even better with Referrals

  • Points as incentives.
    Point rewards is a powerful method to incentivize both your customers to refer and their referrals to onboard.
daughter showing mom an app
Have your customers recruiting

Reward Schemes are even better with Partnerships

  • Multiply your scheme's impact with partnerships.
    Provide more collection opportunities and redemption options for your customers, by adding and managing partners.
  • Import 3rd party Coupons.
    Import coupons from your partners and allow your customers to burn points to acquire them.
business people handshake
Move fast and don't break things

Reward Schemes are even better with Discovery

  • Target the right customers.
    Use segmentation and taste profiles to notify targeted customer for relevant redemption offers.
  • Deliver at the right time.
    Set notifications for the best conversion times or when a customer is at one of your stores.
man shopping looking at a watch
Always get it right

Manage & monitor with ease

Manage your reward schemes easily and effectively, through an intuitive centralized Customer eXperience Management administration panel.
Man mouse-clicking a lot


Create and edit Reward Schemes, monitor how they perform at a glance.


Adjust collection and redemption rules, conditions, eligibility, usage policies and expiration dates.

Loyalty Accounting

Get 360° view of your schemes exposure, performance and transactions history. Setup and monitor affiliate reconciliation.

Partners Selfservice

Provide a dedicated touchpoint to your partners, for self-managing their account.
Connect Solutions

Connect Solutions

Setup collection links with Contest, Games and more. Target customers with rewards that match their tastes.

Leverage existing infrastructure with our easy implementation features

  • Connect our straight forward REST API with your POSs, CRM, ESB and other core platforms. Gather events and feed data across your ecosystem.
  • Gather data from your touch-points and enhance your checkouts, with our Web, iOS and Android mobile SDKs.
  • Do you have an existing scheme?
    Don't worry, use our enterprise migration services to get up and running in no time.
Chris Kekkos avatar

“Wave CXM was built by a team with deep understanding for the modular needs of complex corporate IT ecosystem and it shows”

Chris Kekkos, Chief Technology Officer

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