Wave CXM Coupons

Coupon versatility reaches new heights

Drive your business strategy with endless customization options, not the other way around.
woman shopping while inside the cart

All the coupon features you need to reach your potential

Monetary Discount
Save $5 on your order
Percent Discount
-50% in order value
Win Reward points
Get 5.000 pts
Reward multiplier
Double your order points
Event Ticket
Enter a concert for free
Gift Item
Redeem at our partner

Make your coupons part of their everyday transactions

  • Allow customers to organize coupons by type and partner.
  • Help them track redemption history and locate expired coupons.
  • Save coupons on their Apple Wallet or Google Pay.

Multiple Redemption Channels

  • Connect our API to your POS and leverage existing infrastructure.
  • Use our SDKs to integrate Wave CXM into your web and mobile checkouts.
  • Simple Web redemption interface for own or affiliate personnel use.
  • Have affiliates redeem via SMS to extend your partnerships to virtually any type of merchant.

Always keep your customers up-to-date!

  • Inform them when a coupon is about to expire to increase conversion.
  • Use geo-targeting to notify them on the spot, when they can benefit from a relevant shop coupon.
  • Use Discovery to notify customers about the availability of new coupons, based on their taste profile and more.

Focus on critical segments

Automate your operations with our integrated segmentation tools, powered by Machine Learning.
Benefits of the segmentation tool
20+ dimensions to segment
Benefits of the segmentation tool
Automated churn detection
Benefits of the segmentation tool
Add custom dimensions for your data

Ride the wave by connecting your Coupons

Link your Coupons to other Wave CXM Solutions to target customer segments, use them to gift reward points, enter exclusive contests, and many more.

Coupons are even better with Rewards

  • Convert points to Coupons.
    Allow burned points to unlock any type of Coupon for a partner's, or your own, products.
  • Engage users with Rewards campaigns.
    Use special coupons that multiply reward points collection and more.
People celebrating with confetti
Merge instant gratification with rewarding

Coupons are even better with Contests

  • Coupons as Prizes.
    Use coupons to reward Contests winners.
  • Coupons as a participation entry.
    Use a coupon with a transaction to enter participation in an exclusive Contest.
woman excited with phone
Customers win, you win customers

Coupons are even better with Gamification

  • Coupons as prizes.
    Use coupons to reward mini-game winners.
  • Coupons to unlock levels & badges.
    Coupons can be used to unlock special levels and badges.
excited boy with toy car
Bring joy & a sense of achievement

Coupons are even better with Referrals

  • Coupons as incentives.
    Coupons is an ideal reward to incentivize both your customers to refer and their referrals to onboard.
daughter showing mom an app
Have your customers recruiting

Coupons are even better with Partnerships

  • Import 3rd party Coupons.
    Importing coupons from your Partners is the fastest way of building business partnerships.
business people handshake
Move fast and don't break things

Coupons are even better with Discovery

  • Target the right customers.
    Use segmentation and taste profiles to optimize coupon distribution.
  • Deliver at the right time.
    Set notifications for the best conversion times or when a customer is at on of your stores.
man shopping looking at a watch
Always get it right

Manage & monitor with ease

Manage your coupons easily and effectively, through an intuitive centralized Customer eXperience Management administration panel.
Man mouse-clicking a lot


Create new Coupons, distribute them and monitor how they perform at a glance.


Adjust important parameters like spend limits, eligibility, usage policies and expiration dates.

Import Coupons

Import from partners or other internal system to create a unified experience.

Partner Selfservice

Provide a dedicated touchpoint to your partners, to redeem coupons, create new ones, and self-manage their accounts.
Connect Solutions

Connect Solutions

Target your Coupon distribution with tastes and segments. Assign them seamlessly as rewards for Contests, Games, and more.

Let us give you a personal tour of the platform.

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* We never share user details with third parties.
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